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Purchase and no unlimited lives

Susan_Glover Posts: 1 Newbie

I purchased the game pack for 1.99 and it says on the game i have unlimited life but when i go to play it says i have no lives, i was to have two hours and it's been over an hour and still no unlimited life.


  • Former_User
    Former_User Posts: 0 Newbie

    This is not unusual.

    Before giving King another penny, scan through the old questions here and look at how often the same issues recur. This isn't an accident. King is struggling and the best way it can think to keep afloat is to basically defraud customers for as long as it can before the ship goes completely under.

    This isn't tinfoil hat conspiracy, either. Seriously, look at how often the same issues pop up, then look at the nature of the issue. Simple coding that could be fixed easily, but is not and no refunds are ever given.

  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725 Level 5

    Hello Susan. Please check your inbox (top right of the screen) for a response regarding the purchase. Thank you. 

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