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Candy Crush Saga Diamond District

I have been eagerly awaiting the release of more levels. What a disappointment when the newly released first level (1266) of Diamond District turns out to be a boring dud. Surely someone with a modicum of imagination could have devised a more exciting level to get our interest.


  • Have now played Levels 1266, 67 & 68. Nothing has improved. Surely someone at King checks the quality of the product before it is released. The designer of these levels seems to have a fetish for chocolate and a total lack of imagination !!

    BTW there is a glitch in Level 1267 where a coloured candy overlays a speckled candy !!

  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526
    edited October 2015

    Peter, is Candy Crush really the game for you, haha. I've noticed that all of your posts comment about the frustration you feel for the levels!

  • I love the challenge. I only complain about boring, mundane levels. I have complimented on occasions in the past, but it seems lately levels are being churned out without any thought going into it ??

  • Just completed Diamond District. I hope the next release of levels is of better quality !!

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