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Level 43 changed from 2 minutes to 1 minute on FaceBook. Why? Idiots.

gracie-2 Posts: 1 Newbie

Level 43 is now only 60 seconds.  There is NO time to get extra time pieces, it's ridiculous.  Fix it. It works great on other things like my phone.  On Facebook it's useless.  It's the reason I stopped playing it Candy Crush.  I've passed that level but love to go back and play it sometimes. Idiots.  You make a game so freaking impossible and you think people will PAY to play it?  lmao


  • Randle
    Randle Posts: 1,977 Level 2

    Hey gracie,

    Having a bad day, right? Still no reason for calling people that. Sure you passed that level? Doesn't sound like it ;-)

    They usually listen to their players, and change levels accordingly if people find them either too easy or too hard.

    It ain't impossible for everybody, I know people who are in the last episode and haven't spent a thing in the entire game.  

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