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Level 657 has a target score of 321333608. That is an impossible score to reach.

Mike_McVicker Posts: 2 Newbie

Level 657 has a target score of 321333608.  That is an impossible score to reach.  Meanwhile friends have passed this with scores like 85940.  Why is my game all screwed up?  It is like this on any platform I have tried (android, pc, tablet,...) and is linked to my facebook account.  How can this be fixed?  I have asked this question several times in the past and have not gotten any response from King.


  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2

    It could be connected to your account if it happens on all platforms. Have you tried to connect with the Kingdom on your mobile? If you try and sync with this instead of Facebook maybe it will clear the error and you can pass the level. Click on the little Kingdom logo in the app and see if it works. 

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