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Level 1520

Baz_James Posts: 861 Level 2

Anybody want a try at convincing me that this level is not impossible? Even with a full panel of boosters I haven't come anywhere near clearing enough jelly to be able to finish the level with hammers or free swaps. The chances of forming enough special candies is minuscule. 


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526 Level 2

    Baz, every time I see your post's you have moved on so far from the level that you were previously complaining about. I get the feeling that posting here helps you vent a little, haha. It's all good. I haven't hit this level yet but you're giving me bad vibes about it already!

  • Iluvgames
    Iluvgames Posts: 132 Level 3

    I agree!!  Is this level even possible?  No fun at all and getting way to frustrating :-(  

  • Iluvgames
    Iluvgames Posts: 132 Level 3

    PS: And these levels where you have NO choice on what move to make because there's only one (1) move to make?  And then you get 4-10 Re-Shuffles every game proving you have no moves to make?  Sooooo, frustrating!!!  Maybe they're just stalling until the next episode is ready?  Who knows, lol. but it is definitely, definitely annoying me!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?