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1810 why not send down more +5s?!

JillyJill Posts: 985

Level 252 is quite similar to 1810. On level 1810 there are hardly any +5s sent down, on level 252, once you get through the hard part plus fives are abundant (I know because I play this level a lot whenever there is a color challenge)....

While doing several (hundred;-)~ test runs, the average +5s while breaking blocks is 1-5, however when all blocks are broken through the average +5s are 0-1! Makes absolutely no sense, you would think once you got through all the blocks you would have more +5s!  There is no way to make it through this level without paying a butt load of money, which I don't have, and even if you did go through and paid 9 bars you still wouldn't be able to make it with that little amount of+5!!! 

Best Answer

  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985
    Answer ✓

    New reset solved issues with the first date all is good, pass the level barely but it's the bombs you got to watch out for I'm talking to myself right now because I'm answering my own question okay bye thanks for listening hahahaha


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985
    Answer ✓

    New reset solved issues with the first date all is good, pass the level barely but it's the bombs you got to watch out for I'm talking to myself right now because I'm answering my own question okay bye thanks for listening hahahaha

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