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Stuck on level 860 for 4 days now

Michael_Morrison Posts: 4

Level 1

I completed level 860 & waited 72 hours to continue but it says I still have 64 hours to wait. Also it will not let me access the quests when offline. What is going on?


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755

    You do need to be online for the quests to be active as far I've seen. If your game is offline it might also be why your timer is not counting as it should, how long were was it offline for?

  • Michael_Morrison
    Michael_Morrison Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I've never played a quest online. It doesn't show up on my tablet. I don't know why it shows up on yours online because I've had to log out in order for the quests to show up. It did that until I  got to game 830 then it changed.

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