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Completed level 1247 on Candy Crush 3 times and it will not pass me on to level 1248?????

mrp1963 Posts: 1

Level 1

I am completely disgusted and I am wanting a answer and some kind of help or I think this will be the end of this joke for me.


  • Completed as in have seen the victory plaque or completed as in reached a point where you think you should be awarded the game but have actually failed to understand what constitutes victory? In the absence of any screenshot or at least a detailed description of the messages and screens you see at the end of this level we simply have no idea what the true state of affairs is so really can't offer any help. The level does seem to be working perfectly normally on Facebook at the moment so I'm disinclined to think that the problem lies in the level itself but without proper evidence it's all speculation.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?