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I have never worked how to use the gold bars. Can someone please explain?

Penny_Townson Posts: 2

Level 1

I have never worked out how to use the gold bars.  Can someone please explain?  What happens when the bonus wheel gets stuck.  It just goes round and round.  I have also lost a lot of money on the wheel


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hi Penny- Thanks for posting on King Care. Gold Bars are the in game currency used to purchase Boosters/Extra Moves/Lives. 

    You can use to purchase pre game Boosters by tapping on the item  you want before the level starts, you can also purchase Boosters during the game such as Lollipop Hammers. If you are running out of moves on the level a pop up will also appear offering you the chance to purchase some Extra Moves. 

    If you are noticing that your mobile device is sometimes freezing then let me know which model phone you are using and I will send you some troubleshooting steps to try, so that your game can run smoothly again. 

    I hope this helps, have a lovely Sunday! :-) 

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