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Why do my gold bars keep disappearing when I have not used them?

Linda_Pressey Posts: 1

Level 1

I have never purchased any gold bars.  I was saving the ones that I won.  Was up to 18 gold bars and they disappeared, then I won 2 more a few days later and they disappeared.  What is happening here?  Otherwise I enjoy the challenge of the games.  But... I refuse to waste hard earned money on a cartoon game that will never improve my life.  I would like to get my play gold back if it is possible.  This game is falling to the bottom of my list of favorite go to games.  Please let me know what can be done King game creators.  Thank you 


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    Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or in the left hand menu on mobile) as I have sent you a message about this.

    Kind regards,


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