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Finish episode, then... FREEZE!

Nolleez Posts: 6 Level 2

I started level 1589 with 3 boosters; a colour bomb, a striped & wrapped, and a lucky candy. I cleared the meringues with 3 moves remaining. When it completed the crush, the game just stopped. I tried swiping, exiting, turning off wifi... nothing worked. (screencaps below)

I had to close the app and restart it. When it did, I was still at level 1589 and, of course, my boosters were gone! I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a way to get people to buy boosters. Speaking of which, how is it that in 3 years of spinning the booster wheel, I've only won the jackpot once? One time in 1037 spins. That's 0.09%...less than 1/10th of ONE percent!  



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