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why can't i connect to my facebook have access to the kingdom.

Am finding it difficult to connect to my Facebook and at same time do not have access to the Kingdom. I will like to know why ... Need your help.


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hi Okeke- Thanks for posting on King Car.e I am really sorry that you have been experiencing some troubles connecting your game to Facebook. 

    Let's get you back on track. Please can you try our troubleshooting steps and let me know how you get on? 

    Have a sweet weekend! 

  • yeeeeehaaaaw
    yeeeeehaaaaw Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I just experienced the same thing, couldn't get extra lives etc. I had enough and uninstalled app after trying to reset phone with no success. Once I reinstalled, all was good, connected to Facebook. I had a ton of different boosters and gold bars...ya they're gone!! Brutal!  If king support reads these, I implore you to investigate my account and return my hard earned boosters and gold bars please!!

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