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Candy Crush Timed level 2079

Debbie-5 Posts: 303

I played timed level 2079 and had to use boosters to pass.  The problem is I did not advance to the next level of 2080 in this episode.  There was a treasure chest that occupied level 2080  so I was stuck on level 2079.  Well I decided to play level 2079 again and I passed ..... again.  Now it did advance me to level 2080 but the treasure chest did not open and give me the earned boosters.   So now I'm out all the boosters used to pass the level twice plus I didn't even get the rewards in the treasure chest.  Activision does anyone there do any quality control on these levels before they are released?  It's no wonder you have so many frustrated players here.  I would appreciate an explanation for this glitch and compenstion for the boosters used.  Thank you


  • Tony_Mc
    Tony_Mc Posts: 4,138

    When people get tired of playing these timed levels and quit. Maybe your sales will go down and you'll listen to your players.

    Hi Diane, Level 2290 got changed because we indeed do listen to our players.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?