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IPad won't let us play the game.

Baglady11 Posts: 1

Level 1

Won't go past play, goes back to Icon tried to delete and reload but didn't help. Can't play at all on IPad.


  • If that's the case you may want to go through some of the suggested tips here:

  • Ken-3
    Ken-3 Posts: 40

    Level 3

    If it is permitted (which I assume it must be) I can share the ipa file for version 1.80.1 (up to level 1970) which will work on your iPad 2. Maybe someone from King can confirm that there's no personal information contained in the file. The procedure is simple, you delete the app from your iPad and from iTunes on your computer. You then copy the ipa file to the appropriate iTunes folder on your computer then you sync your iPad to the computer and copy the file to the iPad. I BELIEVE that should work. Since it's a free app, I don't think the file is tied to a specific device.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?