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I Can't buy any candy

Pia_Meyer_Dahrup Posts: 1

Level 1

 becaus every time i try to buy it it says that it Can't log on to my bank and take my money 

i have tried everything, log OFF and on my bank but i still Can't do it pleas help 


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hi Pia- Welcome to the King Care community. I am sorry that you have been experiencing a problem making purchases. 

    Here are a few steps which fix the vast majority of issues:   

    Open the game on your Apple Device.Try to make a purchase.If you receive the error message then please close the pop-up screen.Select the Menu option in the bottom left hand corner and sign out of Facebook.Double click your home button and swipe all the open apps off the screen.Now turn your device off and leave it for two minutes in order to clear the cache.Finally, please reconnect to Facebook and then try to make a purchase again. 

     If these steps don't work could you kindly come back to me with the following information:

     Game app version: Go to App Store > Updates > find the game > Here you will see the app version

    Let me know how you get on. 

    Have a sweet Sunday! :-) 

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