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pausing music when app gains focus but is muted

Bellimor Posts: 2

Level 1

Ever since a recent update all your apps have started forcing audio focus whenever they gain focus. This causes my music i was listening to to be paused.

Issue is that i have all in game sounds and music muted so your app shouldnt be even trying to send audio and therefore need audio focus.

Please code your apps correctly to only request audio focus when they actually need it like they used to, not commandeering my phones audio soon as i open it forcing my music to pause.

This is unacceptable behavior and you should by now have the experience to write an app that only uses resources that it needs


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526

    I haven't even ever heard of audio focus. Is this not something you can just turn off if its on your phone. I mean if you're listening to something and there's no music in the game, then you don't need another setting on. 

  • Bellimor
    Bellimor Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I haven't even ever heard of audio focus. Is this not something you can just turn off if its on your phone. I mean if you're listening to something and there's no music in the game, then you don't need another setting on. 

    You obviously mistead what i wrote. Was not asking for a button or setting. Somply that the line of code that triggers any music app to pause its music be removed

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