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Level 1879 need to be recalibrated

Hailey_Parrett Posts: 2

Level 1

I believe level 1879 need to be recalibrated. This level requires 3 yellow candies to be caught ans a bunch of metal. The special candy either turns into a cream puff or a yellow candy. And theres only 3 given special candies and at least on always turns to a cream pie. And once that happens youve already lost the level. And using the special candy booster doesnt help because they only give one for the whole level. No others appear later. Also not enough moves foe this level.

Instead of having special candies that turn into yellow candues or icing why not just use yellow candies instead?


  • If you focus on clearing all of the icing first, the mystery candies will turn into yellow candies that you need.

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