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vixen1986 Posts: 1

Level 1

Your game crashes. When it crashes, your players lose all their boosters. What are we playing for? To earn boosters to make the game more fun. You have all these little mini games we can play to earn more and more boosters. I had 20-90 of every booster. I earn and use boosters regularly. But your game crashed and deleted ALL of them. Now I have ZERO boosters. So I checked here to find out why and I can see that you do not give these boosters back. I see a lot of angry players with the same problem, too. All I want to do right now is delete all my king games and say forget it, but I figure I'll give you this one chance to redeem yourselves. BRING BACK OUR LOST BOOSTERS or I'm never playing another KING game as long as I live. Whats the point in playing a game to earn prizes which can be lost forever at random with no possible way to prevent it? It makes no sense to keep playing anymore. 


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