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Why would I not get to advance on level 1810 when I scored over 300,000 points?

Michele_Sneed Posts: 2

Level 1

Level 1810 criteria is to score 200,000 points or more. I scored over 300,000 and was not advanced to the next level.


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Hi Michele, 

    Did you happen to back out of the game once you reached your score? Because you just have to let time run out in order to have a win. Since this is a timed level, if you back out or end the play before time runs out it will record it as a fail. That's all I can think of as to why it would not record your win. Let me know if this helps at all.

    Thank you,


  • Michele_Sneed
    Michele_Sneed Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I did not back out before the time ran out. Thanks for the feedback. This morning when I played again I finally moved past this level.

  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Okay Michele, just trying to help. I'm glad you got past the level. Congratulations on your win!


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