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I have purchased extra moves in Candy Crush Saga and Soda Crush SEVERAL times and have not receivedv

Betsy_Kleist Posts: 1

Level 1

I have purchased extra moves SEVERAl times when I did not receive them! After putting my password in I get a screen that my purchase was successful but instead of it cycling back to the game screen with my extra moves another screen to purchase extra moves keeps coming back. It just happened again and I purchased many extra moves several times and never received them. I had one square left to eliminate and the game ended! I am furious and King Productions owes me a bunch of extra moves over the years or a bunch of money. I am furious! This is no way to treat faithful and loyal players. You need to do better for us than this kind of treatment! I also am sick of getting the auto rep,y stating how busy you are and you will respond to me soon. Soon better be now!


  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725


    Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or if you are using a mobile device, tap the the lines in the top right corner to access the menu) as I have sent you a message about this.

    Kind regards,


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