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Level 1783.How i am suppose to complet this unfeasible ,horible and unfunny level

zira1234 Posts: 13

Level 1

level 1783 Another level that is way too much difficutl to complet.Don't tell me to watch video for help it's useless.I have to try countless time and never get even close to complet it.In the video only one time and it's done,how convenient for you.


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755

    Think about it for a moment, do you think everyone would upload all of their failed attempts? Since no-one would want to watch them it would be pointless and very inconvenient to do so, the fact that you're only seeing the level completed gives you a false sense of perspective.

  • zira1234
    zira1234 Posts: 13

    Level 1

    Level 1804.Another boring level that have to be play over and over and over again.Why i am still playing this game.I'm so fed up to try and try with no result.When i have a bomb it sudenly explose for no  reason ???Please help.

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