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Dissapeared 5 ufo's

Gosia_Abramczyk Posts: 12

Level 1

I wrote to you many times about my lost 5 ufo's, but no answer from King. Only a question if my problem was solved. No, not solved. Since last 2 updating ccs doesn't work good. You sent me some items as apologize including 5 ufo's. I was so happy,because ufo is very rare, special and precious. I told my friends how King works great, how your team always help. I saved 5 ufo's for hard level. Yesterday I was going to use 1, but all my ufo's dissapeared! Where have they gone?And why? Since January 11 first boosters automatically being used even though not selected,next frog doesn't want to move, now game is freezing and stop during I play. And yesterday I lost all my ufo's! This is not fair. Please give me back my ufo's you gave me as a gift few days ago. It will be very friendly and honest and proffesional, like King is. I am waiting for good news from King. Thank you very much for help and answer. 

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