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levels 2346-2360 - lowering moves in Glittery Grove

parlady99 Posts: 378

Besides wanting us to buy boosters, why does CC keep lowering moves at almost every level in the Glittery Grove Episode?  Just because those that got there early were able to complete the level, you don't have to make it impossible for the rest of us to complete a level without using boosters. That is why we don't see videos with the new moves after a day or two.   Sometimes it would be nice to just enjoy some levels with moves to spare.  We haven't gotten this far unless we enjoy a challenge; but by lowering the moves each time, you have made it impossible.  Once in  a while, just leave things along and let us enjoy winning without having to use boosters all the time.


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755

    It's not surprising really since this far down the saga there shouldn't really be any spare moves since it's get's harder as it goes along. Sure it can take a few days for new videos to come up but they do show up so it's not impossible. 

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