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RIGGED spinning wheel and time travel capabilities by Candy Crush employees

Maggy_G_Roman Posts: 2

Level 1

Dear Dr.Who how did you win the jp in candy crush? Did you use a machine that goes ding? Or did you use the tardis? Maybe a sonic screwdriver?  I say that's a complete misuse of time travel.  I must confiscate your magical phone and the tardis. There's a family of unicorns I must rescue from extinction or make believe world where everyone wins the jp in Candy Crush Regards Dr.WTF

Best Answer

  • Maggy_G_Roman
    Maggy_G_Roman Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Answer ✓

    Well my dear Dr.WTF,  I am not at liberty to discuss my sonic screwdriver, or my machine that goes ding but what I can DO tell you is the Tardis is much bigger on the inside oh yea DONT BLINK DONT TURN AWAY ROSE


  • Maggy_G_Roman
    Maggy_G_Roman Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Answer ✓

    Well my dear Dr.WTF,  I am not at liberty to discuss my sonic screwdriver, or my machine that goes ding but what I can DO tell you is the Tardis is much bigger on the inside oh yea DONT BLINK DONT TURN AWAY ROSE

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