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Missing boosters

Paula_Sliacka Posts: 1

Level 1

Hello ive got problem. When i Changed my mobile phone ive lost all my lifes, boosters on that new phone. But on my notebook and old phone i got all my boosters, lifes. Ive got already logged my ccs via FB. Anyone help?


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985

    Hi Paula,

    Thank you for contacting King Care! Unfortunately those lives and boosters will only remain on the old device since they are stored locally. The only thing that transfers with a new device are the gold bars (of course right?). I would just use them up on your old devices or try to earn new ones on the new device. I know it sucks, but that's how it works, sorry. :-(



  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 985
    edited March 2017

    Hi Paula,

    Thank you for contacting King Care! Unfortunately those boosters and lives will remain on the old devices since they are stored locally. The only thing that transfers over are the gold bars (of course, right?) I know it stinks, but that's how it works with new devices. I would just play all your boosters on your old device if you still can or try to earn new ones on your new device and ask for a bunch of lives.



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