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Candy crush level 1512 bug

Hallie_ Posts: 1

Level 1

I've been stuck on level 1512 for a month or two. I've searched for solutions and read through all of the other questions relating to this level. I have tried the level on Facebook, mobile, loading the app on my computer, and finally creating a account and playing there as one comment suggested. Nothing has worked to fix the problem that I will describe below. The biggest issue is that creating cascades does not cause additional timed candies to appear, so no matter how well I do in the game (including using lots of boosters), I get no more time than the original starting 70 seconds, which isn't enough time by itself to get 23,000 points. The time candies from the cascades are needed to add the extra time in to keep playing the game to get the minimum points. The best I've gotten in 70 seconds is 19k and change-I don't think I've broken 20k, though I could be wrong. It really doesn't matter since they are all less than 23k. I've watched Youtube videos of others playing this level and they get time candies for their cascades, so it has to be some kind of bug/glitch happening after those were posted. Obviously I am getting the same results across all platforms, as I said above I've tried multiple ways of accessing the level. Next, to address the question someone else had about delays-I noticed the delay comes from the licorice belt moving. It takes one second after each move for it to move before you can make the next move. Now that might not be a normal issue (not sure if it is or not), but it has become a huge issue for anyone, like me, who has no way to gain extra time in the level. Each second counts for a lot when we are able to click/swipe 2-3 times trying to get the candies to move.We all hate the timed levels and tell the company all the time. Why do you continue to make them? You can have hard levels without them being timed. Anyway, if this bug can't be fixed it is impossible for me to pass this level, I am done throwing boosters at it, and I am done trying period now that I know for a fact that it can't be done as is. Thank you for looking into this. Edit: Sorry, I made this into paragraphs, but it posted altogether. 


  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725

    Hello Hallie,

    In this level the extra time Candies are located in the column on the left. Therefore you need to created striped Candies for example, to activate them. It can be done and hopefully this video will help you:

    Let me know how you get on.

    Kind regards,


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