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Prize claims

Jachi1 Posts: 24

Level 3

I completed Mistys star challenge but did not claim my prize until I had time to play. It was gone when I checked a few hours later. Do you lose prize if not immediately claimed?

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Best Answer

  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725
    Answer βœ“


    Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or if you are using a mobile device, tap the the lines in the top right corner to access the menu) as I have sent you a message about this.

    Kind regards,



  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725
    Answer βœ“


    Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or if you are using a mobile device, tap the the lines in the top right corner to access the menu) as I have sent you a message about this.

    Kind regards,


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