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Why have I lost the 3 extra lives I PAID for with this upgrade?

Coralie_Williams Posts: 4 Newbie

I have been playing this for years and have spent money buying boosters etc and an extra 3 lives to take mine to 8 however they are not there with the upgrade why? I paid money for these lives.


  • Baz_James
    Baz_James Posts: 861 Level 2

    The limit of lives you can have in hand on Facebook and at is 5 as it has been since day one. How you can have been playing 'for years' and not known this is frankly beyond me!

  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725 Level 5


    Baz, you're right with the players only being able to have a maximum number of 5 lives but a few years ago we gave some players the option to pay for a 'charm' in the game which gave them an extra 3 lives. This was quite some time ago and unfortunately now Coralie, the offer has expired. This feature is no longer available in the game.

    I can only apologize for the inconvenience.

    Kind regards,


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