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Finished level 665 but its not moving on?

Fiona_Dracott Posts: 1

Level 1

I complete level 665 but it didnt move on to the train station bit. I can see that I've completed level 665 as it shows 3 stars and I'm on the top 10 leader board of my friends for this level. I've checked on my laptop and phone. The phone s behind anyway but I played and won level 665 on the laptop. Please advise....


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497

    Hi Fiona- Thanks for posting on King Care. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. 

    o Are you still stuck on level 665? 

    o Is there an error message? 

    o Were you able to move forward by playing this level on your laptop?

    Let me know if you still need a hand :-) 


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