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Losing progress between sessions of play

Pam_Smith-2 Posts: 4 Newbie

I noticed this a couple of weeks ago, but each time I play and make progress, when I next try to play I have been sent back a number of levels. It's really frustrating, especially given that I have paid cash for boosters and extra lives to help me through the more difficult levels and I have to play them again. Why does this happen? How can I stop it? How can I recover the levels I have bought boosters for and already passed?


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,498 Community Manager

    Hi Pam-  Welcome to the community. Please see this blog here for the steps to follow if you have lost your progress. 

    The Blog includes lots of steps on how to fix this problem yourself :-)

    If you are not able to restore your own levels, please see the contact form at the end of the Blog, be sure to select "Lost Progress" as the reason of contact. 


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