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why does screen go from old to new to old. Took all my lives saved


My screen goes from a new version to old to new at different log in times and takes all the lives I have been sent and gold bars gone.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend

    Hi Pamela, I've heard fans saying that one moment it's 2D and then another moment they are seeing 3D.  I can't tell the difference but maybe that's what you are seeing.  I'm not sure why the gold bars are gone because that is consistent no matter what you use to play the games.  On mobile you can lose lives but I'm not sure if changing from 2D to 3D will cause that.  I will elevate your question to a King Admin regarding the gold bars missing but they can't do anything about the lives disappearing.

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