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2828 Candy Crush Saga is a joke

jsscurlock Posts: 52 Level 3

What the heck is up with level 2828? I have been stuck on it for days and i cant even come close to getting it. I cant even clear the cloud things on the side so that the candies i need will drop. There is way too much going on in this level for it to be half way easy to clear. Any and all help with a way to pass this level will be greatly appreciated.  


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend

    Hi there, sorry for the delay in responding but thank you for writing us here at King Care. We are trying our best to keep current with the messages here in the community, so please bear with us as we address very old messages. Are you still having this issue? Do you still need help?

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