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Stuck at roadblock and level 2825. New levels not uploading??

KA-3 Posts: 4 Newbie

I have been stuck at level 2825 and a roadblock for over one week.  All apps updated as well as browser verifies to be up to date.  The levels did not appear this past Wednesday (the day you claim new levels are added each week).  Please help and release levels beyond 2825!  I play daily on my iPhone and ipad.  I rarely play on the FB desktop version but it is also stuck at the roadblock on level 2825.  HELP! 


  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,498 Community Manager

    Hi there- Thanks for posting in our community. I am sorry that you have not received an answer, are you still experiencing a problem passing level 2825? Please let us know if you still need a hand.


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