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An error has occured. We are doing our best to fix it, please try in a moment

Donna_Lynn_Moore Posts: 5 Level 2

Level 901 stops in middle of game every time I play. the message 'An error has occured. We are doing our best to fix it, please try in a moment.'comes up. Please fix. ID:1005516634 Thank you 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,758 Sweet Legend

    Hi Donna, are you playing the game through Facebook Gameroom because that's where most of the complaints are coming from.  The team is aware of this and are trying to resolve it.  In the meantime, can you play somewhere else?  Do you have Windows 10?  Do you play on a computer with a browser?  Please give me more information and maybe I can help you figure out where else you can try to play the game.

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