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level 3137

jiffylady1 Posts: 30 Level 2

All of the examples on you tube do not have any candies in the middle row covered but mine does. I would also like to know why 1 video has 23 moves uncovered middle long before most of ours was even out. The next video had 20 moves uncovered middle. etc. Mine has only 18 covered middle. Is this fair. Feel sorry for those coming after me as they may only have 10 moves the whole darn thing covered.


  • Kevin_Henderson
    Kevin_Henderson Posts: 90 Level 2

    Its a common theme for King to do this recently. It is quite frustrating as some people seem to have access to the levels before others, and so the only tutorials will have the initial incarnations of the level meaning those getting access later get no tips. I don't think it will change unfortunately, it is a bit of an underhand way to get people to buy boosters as they will have gauged how easily those with initial access to the levels get through and adjust it after.

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