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The gold crowns in candy crush what are they for?

Zoe_Braudy Posts: 1

Level 1

I've gotten lots of gold crowns in candy crush but have never received anything for them to my knowledge.  Been getting them for months, what's the deal?



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Zoe, sorry for the delay in responding.  The gold crowns really have no meaning to them except to show that you were able to complete each level the first time.  Rewards are not given for the gold crown but they are given when you play the space dash and clear them on the first try.

  • Danny_Tam
    Danny_Tam Posts: 1

    Level 1

    its a stupid function that makes you feel bad as you can't redo the level to get the gold crown If you muck up the first try 

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972

    Hey Danny,

    Sorry you do not like the gold crowns... I like them, it motivates me to try harder to complete the level at the first try. This said, I do understand you find it frustrating that there's no second chance. But since there's no reward given, you're not missing out in any way.

    I'll be happy to pass on your feedback to the Studio however. And if you have any ideas on how to make it instead, I'm listening :-)

    Also if you have a minute to spare, don't be shy and say hi to the Community! There's also a survey so you can let us know what you think about the King Care Community and help us getting even better :-) Please visit: 

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Until then, have a Fun-tastic day!


  • Noelle_Sophy
    Noelle_Sophy Posts: 1

    Level 1

    If a function has zero purpose other than for a special event, why not just put an if/then statement to remove the function until that special event comes around?  A Golden Crown has zero relevance except in specific situations.  Either incentivize getting a Golden Crown at each level, remove the Golden Crown if there is zero incentive, and show the Golden Crown function when you are in that "special event".  Its terribly misleading, and shocking that there hasn't be a deluge of complaints.

  • Kelly18
    Kelly18 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    It’s the equivalent of a kid getting a gold star on a preschool paper, except that it also temporarily blocks the level’s objective, which is pretty annoying. I find it rather ridiculous, really. Completely useless. 

  • Brandon_Stanton
    Brandon_Stanton Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It's a bunch of my initials is what it is...and in case you weren't aware, my initials are's a scam that allows them to take away all of our boosters with that ridiculous message that pops up asking if you'll give one away to continue...and the reason it's a scam is because people think it's the SPACESHIP or the HELMETS that they're continuing with by giving up a booster, when it's actually a meaningless golden crown that has zero benefit to the player...that's exactly what has been happening to me and i just realized it when I got to this page...I want all my frickin boosters back I've been donating back to the game the past few weeks is what I want...this is a classic example of why you should NEVER spend a single cent on Candy's all set up so that King can drain your wallet at every opportunity with purposely rigged boards and scams like this to drain your boosters, which then in turn causes you to want to buy's really getting quite ridiculous

  • baza
    baza Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Why would having the chance to win a gold crown make you try harder when there is no reward. Sounds a pointless (sic) answer.

  • Bored_Magic
    Bored_Magic Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Yeah should be able to trade them in for something.  Seems goofy to worry about getting thru the level on the first try to get a crown that is useless.  Or it should increase our exp so we level up faster, although haven't figured out what levels are for either.
  • vickiekk
    vickiekk Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I think you should be rewarded in SOME way when you get the gold crowns.  It doesn't have to be huge but something.  Maybe one booster or one gold coin.
  • PokéTriforce
    PokéTriforce Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I don't really care about the lack of a reward -- as much as the huge "YOU'RE A BIG FAILURE" representation (that will keep reminding you how you messed up in that level...and can NEVER go away).

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