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Frustrated and about done

Kelly Posts: 2 Newbie

The daily Treat Calendar has been stuck on day 1 since the beginning of time.  I see many others have complained about this for a long time.  Please fix it already.  Shocking that we earn stuff in our "piggy bank" then have to pay to get it!!   You earned it now pay us to get it.  Please tell me what common sense this makes.  I have no idea what the other stuff is that pops up is...Dexter and different islands?  What's with the "frame" around my picture and the number of stars?  What do the stars mean? And when you pass a level on the first round you get a gold crown...what does the gold crown get me?  After it says you won a gold crown...poof...that's it.   When you use an exploding candy the whole board shakes..annoying.  Come on King, this game used to be a little bit of relaxing fun after a long day of work, now it's just irritating.  


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,482 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hi Kelly, 

    Thank you for posting on King care.

    I understand your frustrations when things don't work and I know that King are terrible for keeping us informed when anything else comes out. They never explain it until weeks later.

    The daily calendar being reset IS an issue I am afraid. Its not good news, I don't know why its taking so long to fix, but the studio ARE aware of it. As much as it can see like they don't care, I assure you they wants it fixed too. It does not benefit them at all to not fix it.  Unfortunately they do have a list of problems to fix so it goes on priority. If there are worse issues like not being able to get into the game at all, that would come above a freebie issue. 

    As regards the piggy bank, it is something that you earn but its a means to get gold at a reduced price. You don't have to buy it, that is up to you but as many players do, it gives them a way to get extra gold for their money. 

    As to the rest, be patient with me and I will go and hunt for some answers :)

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,882 Sweet Legend
    edited March 2018

    Hi Kelly, I can try to help you with some of your issues.  

    Dexter’s Delight (Striped Candy Contest) requires you to collect striped candies on the first try.  If you fail the level, the striped candies collected for the level will be lost.  To win a prize, you must be in the top 3 on the Leader Board when the challenge ends.

     To play the Star Chaser Challenge, you must collect new stars on a level to count.  If you fail the level the stars collected will not be counted.  When you have filled up the chart you will get the reward.

     Regarding the frame around your picture, it's something new that the King team chose.  Right now I have the ugliest and I mean the ugliest brown frame with polka dots on it and it's ugly!  I don't believe that it does anything to your game play.

    Regarding the gold crown that just means that you cleared the level on your first try.  Some fans are very competitive and love to show off that they got all gold crowns in an episode.  

    The exploding candy issue, I assume that you are referring to the exploding color bomb.  That's a glitch that the King team has been trying to resolve but it's still something that needs to be tweaked.  

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,482 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Thanks Elsa I knew you would be able to help :) 

    i apologise for my terrible spelling too, I forgot to check before pressing send and now I can’t edit it lol. 

  • Kelly
    Kelly Posts: 2 Newbie

    Thank you for your responses.  I guess I'm just going to play the game like I used to before...for fun...and not even worry about the other stuff.  Although the Daily Treat Calendar irks me because I have like a zillion of one prize.  

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,482 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Honestly Kelly, 

    I really think that is for the best. We get so bogged down sometimes in all the things that shouldn't work, we forget how fun these games are. (sometimes anyway haha)

    You are still doing better than me. The chocolate got the better of me and we parted ways before my phone ended up drowned :/

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