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How do I sync King and Facebook when on different levels or switch Facebook account?

JJ-14 Posts: 1

Level 1

I can't sync my progress because the first Facebook login was from someone else's account. Here's what happened: I deleted my facebook a while back so I wasn't logged in to any account on Candy Crush. I got a new phone and wanted to switch my progress over. It said to save my progress I could log in to Facebook. I didn't realize my mom was logged into Facebook on my phone so it synced to her account. I immediately logged out and disconnected the Facebook sync. Then I tried logging in from my old Facebook account so I could set it up with mine. The progress didn't work. Long story short I'm either stuck 200 levels behind where I'm supposed to be or I have to  be logged in to my mom's Facebook to get to where I actually am. My question is how do I get my Facebook progress on my Facebook account. I also have a King account set up with my actual progress so it would even help if you know how to sync my king progress with my Facebook since they are at different levels. Thank you!


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