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Brad_Hall Posts: 3

Level 1

How is it possible to score a billion or more points consistently.  Understanding that there are endless loops sometimes...why does the same player get the endless loop?


  • Brad_Hall
    Brad_Hall Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thanks for taking the time to answer.  I'm not stuck in an endless loop.  I understand how to get out. I'm tryin to understand how the same player in my group of friends frequently gets HUGE scores over a billion points.  I'm rarely the highest score, or even number I'm not worried about my standing...just curious.    

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Sorry that I misunderstood your message Brad.  Why not ask the person how he/she gets such high scores?  It could also be that the person is using a bunch of free boosters to clear the levels and they still have moves left so they continue playing until the moves are done and that adds up points but billion points makes no sense to me either.

  • Brad_Hall
    Brad_Hall Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It's actually the wife of a friend.  He doesn't know, and she isn't talking.  ;-)  As you said, power boosters, extra moves, it still doesn't add up to a billion + points.  The only way to get there is with an endless loop, and I don't see how the same person could frequently get endless loops without someone else getting them.  Heck, a billion points takes real fortitude just to wait for those points if you get an EL... ;-o  

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