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Why am I back at Level 1 on Candy Crush Saga? I've supposed to be on a much higher level.

thatjodiegirl Posts: 1

Level 1

I have been playing Candy Crush Soda for years.  I logged on today to play, and I'm back at Level 1.  What gives?


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi there, thank you very much for writing us here on King Care.  You mentioned both Saga and Soda in your message so I'm not clear which game you are referring to.  It doesn't matter because the steps required would be the same on both games.  You haven't mentioned if you are playing on a mobile device or computer but either way the first step would be to clear out the history.  If it is a mobile device I am going to ask you to please shut it down and wait 10 seconds.  Open the device again and now open the game.  Log out of Facebook either mobile or computer and then log back in.  You should be back to your current level.  If you are not, please write back here so that I can give you further direction.

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