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Level 3217 Malfunction

Crusher-11 Posts: 8

Level 2

Completed level 3217 on last move of the game. In the top left corner a wrapped candy continuously dispensed and exploded causing the game to never end. I closed the app after 20 mins (score over 11 mil at that point) and when re-opened it, it doesn't show that I completed the level. Also, there was a blue key reward for completing level 3217 that I didn't get. These levels are hard and when completed, I want to be compensated..not to mention buying aids to complete the level.


  • Jelly_Jenny
    Jelly_Jenny Posts: 1,884

    Hi Crusher, 

    Ouch! If the level doesn't fully complete, unfortunately it won't be registered as completed. Hopefully a replay won't have these issues. 

    If you have used any purchased items on this level, please contact us through the in-game support:

    - Open the game- Tap on the left bottom corner- Tap the cog wheel - " Help Center"- Choose the appropriate category - Select "Contact us" at the bottom

    I hope you're on the way to the top soon!


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