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"Randomizer" or "Probability" in game...

Tim_Tong Posts: 3 Newbie

I have played the game for nearly 5 years. And, I have observed strange behavior in the "randomness" in it...

- if I am trying to save some "special candies" for future use, there is a very high chance for the game to drop the candy which can "burst" the saved candies before I can use them, even if the chance is one-sixth

- The chocolate always "eats away" a critical candy one step before I can make use of it. The jelly fish also acts similarly

However, the odds will become much better if I stop playing the game for a couple of days. The actions in game seems to return to normal (or, to what it should be). Well, I know that someone will say that I am just having a bad luck (LOL).

Take another simple example. In the daily lucky spin I can never get a jackpot, and it is quite obvious the chance of getting it is not one-eighth.  So, can I know the real probability of its occurrence? Being a player who spends time (to me time is money), I have the right to know this.

In my opinion, if anything is done to alter the randomness of the game, it can be regarded as cheating...


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,780 Sweet Legend

    Hi Tim, thank you for writing us here on King Care.  

    The Jackpot is comparable to winning the lottery.  It really comes down to luck and chance as to where it will stop.  Although you might be discouraged because the spinning wheel never landed on it, please keep in mind that you can always win a free booster when playing the Spinning Wheel daily and it’s free! 

    Have you also noticed, besides walking away from the game for a couple of days, if you complain about a certain level suddenly you are able to clear it?  Is that random?  I have no clue but I like how you think!

  • Tim_Tong
    Tim_Tong Posts: 3 Newbie


        I know the daily spin is like a lottery. The winning chance for Powerball in USA is 1 in 1:292,201,338, so can you tell me the number of this daily spin?


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?