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Lost all m

Bob_DeLine Posts: 19 Level 2

I lost all my lives. Had 490+ and now have 1. Also the daily prize stays on day 2 for the last three days.

Best Answer

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,780 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓

    Hi Bob, sorry for the delay in responding.  I know that there have been glitches reported regarding the lives.  There has also be a glitch reported regarding the daily prize but it's been for those who have been stuck on day 1.  Please be patient and hopefully both will get resolved shortly.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,780 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓

    Hi Bob, sorry for the delay in responding.  I know that there have been glitches reported regarding the lives.  There has also be a glitch reported regarding the daily prize but it's been for those who have been stuck on day 1.  Please be patient and hopefully both will get resolved shortly.

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