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Game character not advancing after reinstall for not connecting to kingdom

Jay_Sutton Posts: 2

Level 1

i had to do a reinstall for kingdom connection issues, after install i was able to connect but now my game character is stuck on level 771 but i am actually on level 943. i am able to play my levels but i have scroll through the kingdom to get to my place of because my marker wont move.. How do i fix this? thank you 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544

    Hi Jay, see if this helps you:

    If not, then please write back here but before you do that, please read this blog and follow the directions to give me your ID #.  Then I can elevate this to a King Admin who can get you back on track!

  • Jay_Sutton
    Jay_Sutton Posts: 2

    Level 1

    thanks for the answer elsa.... not the problem i am having.. my marker is stuck on level 771 but i'm actually on level 943 i can still play but i have to scroll from 771 to 943 to play. i have advanced a few levels since starting to have this problem thinking that if i just advance it would move but it wont. thank you for any help. my id# 3197073765 

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