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Not advancing to next level

Tiff-4 Posts: 1 Newbie

I completed level 3002 and it will not advance. I had to use gold bars to spin for extra moves and and frustrated to have wasted them and not even advance after completing the level. Updated the app and everything but still nothing... anyone know why this happened and how to fix it? I really dont want to have to beat the hard level again.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend

    Hi Tiff, are you still stuck on that level?  I can give you some information to try out.  First I need to know if you are playing through Facebook or the Kingdom because they save your progress.  Without them, you can lose your progress at any time.  Let's try to this:  clear the history on your mobile device.  Now shut it down, wait 10 seconds and then open it again.  Open the game and if you have been playing through Facebook or the Kingdom log out and then log back in.  It should bring you to the next level.

    If none of the above works, then please read this blog:

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