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Why are level always equipped with little moves than adjusted later?

Lara_Ghaddar Posts: 1 Newbie

For the last few episodes, it seems like Candy Crush team is holding me back. I have levels that are impoasiimpto complete with the number of moves given, then days later it is updated. I used to be on track for everybweek, now I am episodes behind. Level 3361 is another example.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend

    Hi Lara, sorry for the delay in responding.  King keeps track of how the levels are doing and then sometimes they tweak them here and there.  If the level is too difficult they might add more moves or vise versa.  When there are a lot of players complaining about a specific level and they post their comments here on King Care, King does listen and sometimes does increase the number of moves. 

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