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Level 3385

Sweetee17 Posts: 22

Level 3

PLEASE start making these levels different. I'm really not enjoying the game anymore. Videos online have 30 moves and now there's only 20. I think you think we'll spend money to "play on" at the end, but I'm not going to. I'm just going to stop playing. These levels are not fun. Big boards with lots to do, even if not winning, is fun. I play these levels now like playing a slot machine in Vegas hoping something good will fall. Not fun. Please, design better levels. Hire me for quality control. I'll do it for free.


  • wuschl6
    wuschl6 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I have the same problem and I also think this is not fun anymore... I saw a video with 32 moves - it is note doable with less moves...

  • KSJohnston
    KSJohnston Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Even the 'easy' levels are impossible. I am really considering quitting after all these levels. It's not fun any more. 

  • Sweetee17
    Sweetee17 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    I got past it (with luck) and the levels after aren't much different. That's what you need for all of the levels now. My husband just started playing and he's on level 230. I play his if I actually want to have fun.

  • David_Lewis
    David_Lewis Posts: 134

    Boring impossible sh##e level again.Its like groundhog Day,why have you ruined the game?????????

  • Geneviève_Cayrel
    Geneviève_Cayrel Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have the same problem and I also think this is not fun anymore... I saw a video with 32 moves - it is note doable with less moves...

    Pourquoi 20 coups au lieu de. 32comme sur les démonstrations ?Je ne comprends même pas comment jouer !!! J'y suis depuis plusieurs jours ....Je pense abandonner !!! Si quelqu'un peut m'aider expliquer comment faire glisser les noisettes ???? Merci

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