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No ranking system still...

Scthemonk Posts: 1 Newbie

All the people I know already have the new ranking system and a few other neat features, I’m still waiting..


  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581 Level 4

    Hello there Scthemonk! How are you today? I have passed this on to the other SuperStars and Moderators to see if we can't get you an answer. Hopefully someone will have that answer for you soon. I am sorry about the wait! Thanks for writing and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend

    Hi Scthemonk, what ranking system are you referring to?  Is it the ranking that surrounds your profile frame?  Is the ranking where you can click on your profile picture and 3 tabs are available to see how many levels you cleared in a week, where you rank and I forget the third one.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?