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Special game events

Cleo_Ann Posts: 6

Level 1

Can someone tell me why the special events for Candy Crush doesn't show up? I play on the same laptop as my brother and Mom do and it shows up for them, but not mine, even though after I reach the colors or whatever is required for that event it comes up that I've reached them. Even the trophy is a grey shade in my messages with my lives. I would like to know what place I'm in to know if I need to continue to play or not. I've tried to download a document with pictures attached but they aren't attaching them at the moment.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Clea, you can read more about the special events here:

    What events are you getting?  You said that the trophy is a grey shade so could you do a print screen and upload it here so that I can get a better idea of what you are talking about?

  • Cleo_Ann
    Cleo_Ann Posts: 6

    Level 1

    Hi Clea, you can read more about the special events here:

    What events are you getting?  You said that the trophy is a grey shade so could you do a print screen and upload it here so that I can get a better idea of what you are talking about?

    I see the contest when it first starts and and then when it's over. But I can never see what place I'm in until it's over.
  • Cleo_Ann
    Cleo_Ann Posts: 6

    Level 1

    edited July 2018, I wish you'd get my problem fixed, if not please do not give me the challenges.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Cleo, thank you for the print screens.  To update you, I was told yesterday that all the challenges have glitches at the moment and the studio is trying to resolve them.  Regarding the gray trophy, that might be a part of the glitch so please hang in there until the studio gets to fix all the challenges.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?