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Is anyone else finding 3445 impossible?

cobwellac Posts: 77

I've used boosters, multiple double color bombs, and still can't clear it. With only 20 moves, it's impossible. Once I burn out my boosters and my gold bars, I'm done with this stupid game. Why do they keep taking moves away???


  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    First, if magic dash or any other special events are active, complete those so you begin the level with as many boosters as possible. Make sure you also select fish as a booster. If possible, combine a color bomb with a wrapped to clear the licorice and jelly on the left. Other than that, hammering the bobbers to release schools of fish is the best way to clear the jelly. If you can combine 2 wrapped or a wrapped+striped directly on top of the bobbers tons of fish are released and clear lots of jelly. 

  • cobwellac
    cobwellac Posts: 77

    Thanks, Steve. I tried all that, nothing works. You just can't clear the licorice fast enough. I even had one round where I did two colorbomb combos (not in a row), and each one didn't clear more than 2 jellies. I'm at a loss here. 

  • David_Lewis
    David_Lewis Posts: 134

    Another dreadful level,really am fed up with candy crush now. There's no fun at all in this game anymore. If I hadn't wasted over three years of my life playing this game I'd have deleted this game by now. Used to really enjoy it, now it just makes me angry. Fun factor well and truly gone.

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277
    edited July 2018


  • David_Lewis
    David_Lewis Posts: 134

    Absolute sh##e need 18 jellies off 20 moves ever time a fish goes it takes out a liquorice and its replaced by a fu##ing liquorice. Absolute sh#te level. Lucky if I get down to 14 jellies. Boll##ks to you King!!!!!!

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    Fill up the Space Dash, play, beat it. It can be done...

  • David_Lewis
    David_Lewis Posts: 134

    I watched the video,its got more moves and if I could fluke as many stripes, candy and coloured bombs I'd fluke it as well. I'm getting down to 4 moves before I take a jelly out and I start off with every booster I can,it's sh##e.Goodbye candy crush very soon. Having to come to the forum after every couple of levels to complain how impossible they are isn't fun anymore.

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277
    edited July 2018

    I watched the video,its got more moves and if I could fluke as many stripes, candy and coloured bombs I'd fluke it as well. I'm getting down to 4 moves before I take a jelly out and I start off with every booster I can,it's sh##e.Goodbye candy crush very soon. Having to come to the forum after every couple of levels to complain how impossible they are isn't fun anymore.

    It's not a fluke. I explained how to get the extra moves and boosters, the Space Dash and it's free. The key is to create tons of fish by hitting the bobbers with wrapped or striped+wrapped combo and right on top works best. When the fish remove the licorice blocker candy drops instead of more licorice.
  • pavan
    pavan Posts: 6

    Level 2

    its impossible even with all the boosters

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